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Our Process

Selling Your Small Business with Confidence

Let's Chat

Looking to sell your business? You and our industry professionals will discuss expectations before ever making a choice to sell. We'll begin with an introductory phone call or meeting between the receiving and disclosing parties.

Private Consultations

Your decision to sell, or even discuss selling your business, is as important to us as it is to you. When the receiving and disclosing parties reach an agreement, we'll protect you and your business with the protection of NDA's for full confidentiality.

EBITDA Evaluation

Our receiving parties will review documents, consult with the disclosing parties, and analyze your business' financial health after a comprehensive EBITDA. We'll narrow your target buyers and create presentational teasers to market the full worth of your business.

Advice, Appraisals, Actions

After we valuate the full worth and selling potential of your business, we'll even provide you with advice and business proposals to increase the current profits before making any decision to sell.

Buyer and Seller Review

We're your middle-man between you and potential buyers. We'll negotiate, discuss terms, and address any issues to provide you with the most informed, accurate proposals from our extensive review process.

Pitch & Presentation

We'll pitch your business with financial accuracy buyers can depend on. Our presentations are comprised of accurate financial information to feature your business in its most professional form. We'll even make sure it's ready for any financial audits or reviews from potential buyers.

More Review, More Profit

Our initial EBITDA won't be the last. As your business evolves, we'll adjust our valuations to evolve with it. We'll consider every aspect of your growing business to provide the most accurate appraisal for the most profitable outcome.

Out for Review

Once we've crossed our t's and dotted the i's, we'll send your business proposal to your approved buyers with anonymity. Only you get to decide when an offer is worth pursuing.

Secure the Final NDA

Have we mentioned your business proposal is secure? One final NDA will stand between you and the potential buyer. We'll send out presentational teasers under confidential terms before buyers can learn more about the sale of your business.

The Final Step

Once NDA's are signed and buyers are interested, we'll disclose all the sellers information and business documents for the final agreements. We'll arrange a conference call or an agreeable meeting with the potential buyer to finalize the sale of your business. We'll be there every step of the way to make sure you sell confidently, confidentially, and conveniently.